A technical look at the major currency pairs for the week starting August 8, 2022

<p>The US jobs report on Friday helped to initially move the dollar higher, stocks lower and yields higher. However, by the close, the dollar had come off high levels, stocks took back declines. Yields did stay elevated. </p><p>What about the expectations going forward?</p><p>What might the Fed officials reaction be to 528K new jobs?</p><p>What are the technicals saying for the major currencies vs the USD?</p><p>Where do the major US stock indices sit and what are their charts saying?</p><p>In this weekend video, I discuss the jobs report, my feelings on what response Fed officials may have, and what the charts are saying for currencies and the major US indices. </p><p>Prepare for the week ahead. </p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.

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