PBOC says will step up implementation of prudent monetary policy

<ul><li>Will keep liquidity reasonably ample</li><li>Will balance economic growth and price stability</li><li>Will not resort to flood-like stimulus</li><li>Will provide strong and high-quality support for the real economy</li></ul><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>The PBOC also says that the price target for 2022 can still be achived, though they are vigilant on structural inflation pressures. Adding that consumer inflation may pick up in some months during 2H 2022 and may exceed 3% in stages (h/t @ Sino_Market). The remarks from the central bank aren’t anything new and just reaffirms that China is sticking with its existing policy settings in order to keep the economy supported.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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