The year is over: 2024 forex closing levels and annual percentage changes

Welcome to 2025!

The clock has turned on the foreign exchange market and we’re onto the new charts. Here are the final closing levels for 2024 for the major pairs

  • Euro: 1.0354
  • Japanese Yen: 157.21
  • British Pound: 1.2524
  • Swiss Franc: 0.9072
  • Canadian Dollar: 1.4380
  • Australian Dollar: 0.6188
  • New Zealand Dollar: 0.5582
  • US Dollar Index: 1.0380

Here is a chart showing the annual changes, though it’s not the prettiest chart because the US dollar could be on either side of the equation. There also might be some slight misses here as I have NZD fractionally ahead of JPY, meaning that the yen was the worst performer in 2024.

The US dollar was the winner.

Bitcoin finishes the year at $95,538.

The top performer on the Nasdaq 100 was Applovin, followed (distantly) by Microstrategy, Palantir and Nvidia. Palantir was tops in the S&P 500 with Vistra in second place. The top DJIA component was Nvidia but it was only added in November, it was followed by Walmart with an impressive 72% gain.

This article was written by Adam Button at

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