Twitter stock analysis during its trial with Elon Musk

<p>In March, Elon Musk officially started the process of acquiring Twitter for $44 billion. Some people believe that Musk’s contract was a mistake on his behalf, and they point to the fact that he is eager to <a target=“_blank“ href=“″ target=“_blank“>expose his dirty laundry in court</a> in order to get out of it as proof of this. After the conclusion of the trial in Delaware, which will take place later this month, it is possible that Musk may be ordered not only to pay Twitter damages but also to acquire the business against his will.</p><p>But, here, I put the news and fundamentals aside and take an additional analysis approach and focus on the relative strength of the Twitter (TWTR) stock price and Twitter technical analysis as shown in the video below.</p><p>In short, the following Youtube video shows how TWTR stock has been strong while its industry peers in the US have been selling. And how Twitter stock is strong, within the stock market as a whole. The analysis further takes a view of the current twitter stock price chart and shows some technical patterns and price levels to take into consideration.</p><p>Like our video? Then go to the <a target=“_blank“ href=““> Youtube channel</a>, or click on ‚Watch on Youtube‘ on the bottom left of the video above. Then turn on notifications so ForexLive is on your radar.</p><p>Oh, an important note! Remember that Twitter is reporting its quarterly earnings on 25 October (not confirmed). The stock price may react strongly, up or down, following this key event. The predicted move after earnings announcement was ±10.2% on average vs an average of the actual earnings moves of 9.5% (in absolute terms). Investors and traders should also find the expected move of TWTR before earnings, as derived from its implied straddle value.</p><p>Trade Twitter stock at your own risk and Retweet <a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“>Elon’s tweets</a> at your own peril. Visit <a target=“_blank“ href=““> technical analysis</a> for a variety of interesting perspectives. Additional updates to this Twitter analysis piece may be added in the future at the comments section below, so revisit this page if you are considering to buy TWTR. But please do your own research beforehand, as well.</p><p>Here is the map from our friends at FinViz, showing the relative strength of Twitter stock. See <a target=“_blank“ href=““>Twitter on Finviz</a>.</p><p>Last but not least, our friends at TradingView have a lot of cool data, such as Twitter stock weekly oscilators and moving averages (shown below), as well as a variety of <a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“>Twitter trade ideas</a>, so you’re welcome to check them out when doing your research. May the force of the <a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“>blue bird</a> be with you.</p>

This article was written by ForexLive at

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