Archiv für den Monat: Juli 2022
Korruptionsverdacht: Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister Feldmann will Ende Januar 2023 abtreten
Dax aktuell: Dax testet sein Drei-Monats-Tief – US-Terminkontrakte signalisieren schwachen Handelsstart
BME and ISDE extend their collaboration agreement to Braindex
INHOME PRIME PROPERTIES SOCIMI to start trading on BME Growth on Wednesday, 6 July
Desafíos y oportunidades de la tecnología DLT/Blockchain en los mercados de capitales
08/2022 Notice concerning the stock Mediaset España Comunicación, S.A.
09/2022 Notice concerning the stock Greenalia, S.A.
Chakita Muttaraju on the Importance of Collaborating for Efficiency
In honor of the internship season, we spoke with Chakita Muttaraju, Corporate IT System Admin Intern, about the importance of collaborating for efficiency in developing new ideas that incorporate unique experiences.
British Army’s Twitter and YouTube accounts hacked to promote cryptocurrency scams
A hacker, or hackers, compromised the social media accounts of the British Army to push people toward cryptocurrency scams.