Dow Jones Technical Analysis 0 (0)

<p>On the daily chart below, we can
see that the key <a target=“_blank“ href=““>support</a> at 32684 was breached and the
sellers started to pile in pushing the price to new lows. The market fell as
the Silicon Valley Bank failed last Friday causing risk aversion across the
board. On Monday and Tuesday the market rebounded a little as the actions taken
by the Treasury and the Fed calmed the markets. </p><p>Yesterday, the fears came from
Europe as Credit Suisse was once again under stress. Later in the day the SNB
offered support for the bank and the market bounced again. The sellers are in
control, but they are struggling to push lower as expectations of rate cuts are
giving the buyers some fuel to keep pushing up. </p><p>The sellers may want to wait for
the price to pull back to the support now turned resistance, the <a target=“_blank“ href=““>trendline</a> and the red long period <a target=“_blank“ href=““>moving
average</a> as the <a target=“_blank“ href=““>confluence</a> of all these technicals gives a
strong level where they can lean on with defined risk.</p><p>On the 4 hour chart below, we can
see that the resistance at 32684 has also the 50 and 61.8% <a target=“_blank“ href=““>Fibonacci
retracement</a> levels. There’s also a <a target=“_blank“ href=““>divergence</a> between the price and the <a target=“_blank“ href=““>MACD</a> signalling that the selling
momentum is weak and we may indeed see a pullback. From a risk management
perspective, the best thing to do for the sellers is to wait for the price to
come to that resistance and lean on it with defined risk. </p><p>In the 1 hour chart below, we can
see that at the moment there’s some selling pressure. If we see the buyers
pushing the price above the orange swing resistance at 32245, then we may see
them extend the rally to the 32684 level. On the other hand, if the sellers
manage to break the orange swing low at 31640, then they may extend the

This article was written by ForexLive at

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Swiss Cabinet reportedly to hold extraordinary meeting today to discuss Credit Suisse 0 (0)

<p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>In the short-term, the actions overnight <a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>here</a> should help but that doesn’t fix the long-term strategy and overall outlook of the firm. At this stage, I would say that an eventual takeover by another bank is still arguably the most probable outcome for Credit Suisse.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at

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