All quiet so far after the equities pop


After the opening hour in European trading, equities caught a bit of a pop higher. Since then, it has been relatively quiet with stocks just holding slightly higher while major currencies are doing a whole lot of nothing on the session. Dollar pairs are still sitting within 0.1% change of one another, just slugging along since earlier here.

That said, just be mindful that the greenback still has the potential to jump higher in trading this week: Dollar has the recipe for the next leg higher

Elsewhere, bonds are also showing little appetite so far today. 2-year Treasury yields are near unchanged at 4.890% while 10-year Treasury yields are down slightly by 1.5 bps to 4.153% currently. With little on the economic calendar today, the risk mood will be act as a key driver on trading sentiment alongside the dollar technicals above.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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