UK June CBI retailing reported sales -37 vs -38 expected 0 (0)

Latest data released by UK CBI – 25 June 2020
– -50
– Total distributive reported sales -55
– Prior -63
Retail sales balance is seen improving a little in June but remains rather subdued overall but just take note that the sentiment reflected in the survey here is before the announcement by UK PM Johnson to ease

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US MBA mortgage applications w.e. 19 June -8.7% vs +8.0% prior 0 (0)

Latest data from the Mortgage Bankers Association for the week ending 19 June 2020
–  +8.0%
– Market index 773.1 vs 846.9 prior
– Refinancing index 3,434.66 vs 3,891.5 prior
The drop in the past week largely stems from a fall in refinancing activity but purchases are also seen declining a little after the push to a fresh 11-year

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US weighs new tariffs on $3.1 billion of exports from the EU and UK 0 (0)

According to a notice published by the USTR
The notice says that the US wants to impose new tariffs on European exports like olives, beer, gin and trucks, while also increasing duties on other products including aircrafts, cheese, and yoghurt, in a move that will add to trade tensions.

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UK PM Johnson announces relaxing of lockdown measures in England 0 (0)

Tourism and hospitality can resume on 4 July
– Social distancing rules to also be relaxed
– New rule is to keep at least 1 meter apart (previously 2 meters)
– Two households can meet in any setting
All of the above is applicable starting from 4 July onwards. The most important news in all of this I guess

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Germany says doesn’t expect second economic collapse due to the coronavirus 0 (0)

Comments by the German council of economic advisors
– Sees German economy shrinking by 6.5% this year
– Impact of the coronavirus on the world economy more severe than expected
On the headline remark, it is more of the case that they won’t risk another economic meltdown – even if there is a second virus wave – after

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