GBPUSDs 10 day up streak broken. Pair gives up gains. 0 (0)

Closes lower for the first time since July 16
All good streaks come to an end and the GBPUSD’s 10 day streak of higher closes came to an end today.   The pair last close lower back on July 16. On July 17 the low price reached 1.2511, but closed higher on the day. This week the low was reached on

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Major indices close higher and at session highs. NASDAQ leads the way with Apple, Facebook, Amazon outperforming 0 (0)

Dow, S&P, NASDAQ close higher for the 4th consecutive month
On the downside the Dow post its 2nd straight weekly decline.
The final numbers are showing:
For the week, the NASDAQ led the way. The Dow industrial average could not make it to the unchanged level falling by -0.16%:

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ForexLive Americas FX news wrap: Canada May GDP plunges; JPY intervention? 0 (0)

Forex news for North American trading on July 31, 2020:
The big story was the move in USD/JPY. It came after some serious jawboning and threats from top Japanese officials in Asia so it looks like intervention. It painted a huge outside day on the chart in a reversal to 106.00 from 104.19 at the lows.

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