The cautious mood holds so far in European morning trade


S&P 500 futures are down 0.3% while Nasdaq futures are down 0.1% currently. Meanwhile, 10-year Treasury yields are down 5.8 bps to 3.909% as traders are staying more vigilant on the session. USD/JPY is down 0.4% to 146.15 but is off session lows of around 145.65, helped by another bounce off its 100-hour moving average.

European indices continue to be weighed down as well with the DAX down 0.7% and CAC 40 down 1.1%. That owes much to a catch up to Wall Street losses yesterday as well. It’s all still to play for on the day though, as markets are moving with a sense of caution. All eyes are on the US weekly initial jobless claims next at 1230 GMT.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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