US futures continue to pull higher on the day


That is leading to a much better mood in broader markets so far today. USD/JPY is also now trading up by 0.2% to 154.25 with the dollar keeping marginally lower elsewhere. While still in narrow ranges, EUR/USD and GBP/USD are both up 0.1% to 1.0851 and 1.2865 respectively.

Besides that, gold is also seen higher by 0.4% to $2,374 after having fallen by 1.4% in trading yesterday.

In Europe, stocks are also nudging higher now with the DAX up 0.2% and the CAC 40 up 0.9% on the day.

It’s all pointing to a slight reprieve after the continued selloff in risk over the last few days. But there’s still one final hurdle to get through in the US PCE price index later.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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