Eine düstere Konjunktureinschätzung der Fed und die Furcht vor einer zweiten Corona-Welle haben an der Wall Street für den größten Kurseinbruch seit Mitte März gesorgt. Ist die seltsame Kursrally der vergangenen Wochen jetzt beendet?
Archiv für den Monat: Juni 2020
Britische Wirtschaft: Was für ein Absturz!
Die britische Wirtschaft ist im April wegen des Corona-Lockdowns in beispiellosem Tempo abgestürzt. Es ist der größte Einbruch von Monat zu Monat, der jemals verzeichnet wurde.
Sony enthüllt Design der neuen Playstation 5
Nachdem Sony bereits häppchenweise Details zu den technischen Fähigkeiten der neuen Spielekonsole Playstation 5 veröffentlicht hatte, weiß die Welt nun auch, wie die Maschine aussehen wird. Der Börse scheint sie zu gefallen.
Is the Equity Market Overbought?
While the rebound has been a relief for many, conversations concerning the overbought status of the equity market are beginning to circulate, and perhaps justifiably so.
South Korean City Installs Decentralized Identity Verification for Public Services
Busan, the second-most populous city in South Korea, has launched a blockchain-based service for identity verification, giving everyday citizens a new decentralized way of accessing a variety of public services.
Pro traders scramble for protection in ‚warp speed‘ market, spur quadrupling of S&P 500 hedge cost
As fears of a drastic pullback intensified, it has gotten four times more expensive to hedge against more losses in the S&P 500 than before the coronavirus landed.
Jeff Ubben’s ValueAct increases its bet on an unusual environmental play
Enviva manufacturers wood pellet plants in the southeastern part of the U.S. from tree farm scraps and pulp mill waste.
$600 unemployment benefits are ‚life-saving‘ for this waiter: ‚I’m right at the edge‘
Lawmakers are sparring over enhanced unemployment benefits, scheduled to end after July absent intervention, which could be catastrophic for some recipients.
Pro traders scramble for protection in ‚warp speed‘ market, spur quadrupling of S&P 500 hedge cost
As fears of a drastic pullback intensified, it has gotten four times more expensive to hedge against more losses in the S&P 500 than before the coronavirus landed.
KKR co-CEO Henry Kravis says 80% of the companies it controls have at least two directors with diverse backgrounds
„It has to start at the top. If it’s not a priority for a CEO, it’s not going to happen in my view,“ KKR’s Henry Kravis said.