An der Frankfurter Börse überwiegen zu Beginn der neuen Woche zunächst die Kursgewinne. Rückenwind bringt auch der bisher sehr gute Verlauf der US-Berichtssaison. mehr
Archiv für den Monat: Januar 2021
Corona-Pandemie: Biden erneuert Einreisestopp aus Europa
Wegen der Pandemie waren Reisen in die USA aus Europa stark eingeschränkt – bis der bisherige US-Präsident Trump das Ende des Einreisestopps anordnete. Doch die Regierung Biden will das nun rückgängig machen. mehr
Klima-Risiko-Index: Wetterextreme treffen die Ärmsten
Der Klimawandel trifft die ärmsten Staaten am härtesten – diese Erkenntnis bestätigt der neue Klima-Risiko-Index. Manche Staaten leiden so oft unter Wetterextremen, dass sie sich kaum davon erholen können. Von Werner Eckert. mehr
What is Your Recipe for Success in 2021?
If you are like me, I am sure many of you have been thinking about your goals and aspirations for 2021.
Why Buying Apple (AAPL) Before Earnings Looks Like A Win-Win-Win Move
I am sure that in many ways, dealing rooms now are different places than they were when I made a living in them years ago. But some things never change, including a trader’s love for a position with no downside.
Nasdaq Women in Technology: Indu Venkatasubramanian, AllianceBernstein
We virtually sat down with Indu Venkatasubramanian to learn more about her role at AllianceBernstein and to discuss how diversity influences the company’s culture and creates opportunities for women from different cultural backgrounds to join the technology industry.
Dow Jones, Nasdaq 100, DAX 30 Forecasts for the Week Ahead
The Dow Jones and Nasdaq 100 will look to key earnings from the likes of Apple, Tesla, Boeing and more while juggling a FOMC rate decision midweek. The DAX 30 awaits broader economic data.
Mexican Peso Forecast: USD/MXN Drifts Back Above 19.90 as it Holds its Range
Mexico continues to see record numbers in new virus cases as USD/MXN converges to the center of its range.
Euro Week Ahead Forecast: EUR/USD Outlook Bullish, EUR/GBP Bearish
The Euro looks to have broken higher against the US Dollar but lower against the British Pound, trends that will likely continue in the days ahead.
Gold Price Tracks Weakness in US Treasury Yields Ahead of Fed Meeting
The Federal Reserve’s first meeting for 2021 may do little to prop up the price of gold as the central bank relies on its non-standard tools to achieve its policy targets.