Just a bit of respite so far in the new week 0 (0)

<p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>This looks to be a bit of a breather after the action on Thursday and Friday mostly, which saw the dollar hold its ground while stocks suffered a beating. European indices are up around 0.3% to 0.6% on the day, but that comes off the back of 2% to over 3% losses last week. Meanwhile, S&P 500 futures are up 8 points, or 0.2%, on the day currently.</p><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>Despite the light bounce, the technical overview for equities is quite ominous after having seen the S&P 500 broke below its 100-day moving average last week:</p><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>The double-top pattern near 4,100 suggests a breakdown towards 3,760 next potentially.</p><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>As for the dollar, some slight weakness today puts into consideration some key levels as noted earlier in the posts below:</p><ul><li><a target=“_blank“ href=“https://www.forexlive.com/news/usdjpy-holds-lower-to-start-the-week-amid-boj-rumours-20221219/“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>USD/JPY holds lower to start the week amid BOJ rumours</a></li><li><a target=“_blank“ href=“https://www.forexlive.com/news/eurusd-eyes-upside-break-again-after-last-weeks-late-slip-up-20221219/“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>EUR/USD eyes upside break again after last week’s late slip up</a></li><li><a target=“_blank“ href=“https://www.forexlive.com/news/gbpusd-holds-higher-on-softer-dollar-but-gains-arent-all-that-meaningful-20221219/“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>GBP/USD holds higher on softer dollar but gains aren’t all that meaningful</a></li></ul><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>But as we move towards the Christmas holiday, thinner liquidity conditions will make it tough to really read into the market moves as a whole. Even today, there is a bit of a mixed picture with bonds falling as we see 10-year Treasury yields hold higher by 3 bps to 3.52%.</p><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>The move higher in Japanese bond yields earlier in the day has helped somewhat with the move, amid chatter that the government and BOJ might look to revise its joint statement on policy and <a target=“_blank“ href=“https://www.forexlive.com/terms/i/inflation/“ target=“_blank“ id=“ad51a5a2-1afc-4f42-9e62-ea6faf6f90fa_1″ class=“terms__main-term“>inflation</a> target/outlook.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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Risk Management: What It Is & Its Importance 0 (0)

<p class=“MsoNormal“>Identification,
evaluation, and control of risks to an organization’s resources and <a target=“_blank“ href=“https://cinpax.com/“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>profits</a> are steps in the
risk management process. These risks have many causes, including financial
unpredictability, legal responsibilities, technological problems, <a target=“_blank“ href=“https://cinpax.com/Registration“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>strategic management</a> blunders,
accidents, and natural calamities.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Process for
Analyzing Risk</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>In identifying and
ranking risks for the goal of assessing and addressing them, risk analysis is a
qualitative approach to problem-solving. The risk analysis procedure is as follows:</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Identify current
dangers</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>The primary method
for identifying risks is brainstorming. First, a company gathers its staff to
discuss all the different risk factors. The next step is to prioritize each of
the identified hazards. Prioritization makes ensuring that risks that can have
a considerable impact on a business are addressed more immediately because it
is impossible to minimize all existing hazards.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Analyze the hazards</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Finding an
acceptable remedy comes first, followed by identifying the issue in many
situations. Before determining the best way to manage risks, a company should
identify its root cause by asking, „What made the risk happen, and how
could it influence the business?“</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Create a suitable
response</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>A business entity
must address the following questions once it has decided to evaluate potential
solutions to lessen recognized risks and avoid their recurrence: What steps can
be taken to prevent the identified risk from occurring again?</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Create safeguards
against recognized hazards</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>The concepts that
were discovered to be helpful in risk mitigation are developed into various
activities here and, from there, into contingency plans that can be used in the
future. The plans can be implemented if risks arise.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>The Essence of Risk
Management</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Your company may
only see a little impact from an unexpected incident, such as a slight increase
in overhead expenditures. In the worst-case situation, though, it may be
disastrous and have severe backlashes, like an enormous financial load or the
liquidation of your company.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>An organization
must allocate resources to minimize, monitor, and regulate the impact of
adverse incidents while optimizing favorable ones in order to mitigate risk.
How to best identify, manage, and reduce essential risks. It can be controlled
with a consistent, comprehensive, and integrated approach to risk management.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>RUN-THROUGH</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>An effective risk
management program aids a business in taking into account all potential risks.
In addition, the relationship between risks and the possible adverse cascade
effects on the strategic objectives of an organization are also examined by
risk management.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Risk management
does more than point out a company’s existing risks. Successful risk
management should always determine the uncertainties and foresees the influence
of risks on a business.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>When predicting
such risks, a business should devise a list of problem-solving
approaches. </p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Structures of risk
management can be applied to budgeting, cost management, organizing, and
planning. A corporation should establish risk management as a well-managed
continuous process to resolve and detect issues.</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Consequently, the
result only has two options: acceptance or rejection of risks, depending on the
tolerance levels that a business or a company has already defined for
itself. </p>

This article was written by ForexLive at www.forexlive.com.

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UK December CBI trends total orders -6 vs -9 expected 0 (0)

<ul><li>Prior -5</li></ul><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>UK factory output and export orders declined in December, underscoring further troubles for the manufacturing sector. CBI notes that „the corrosive effect of higher inflation on demand is increasingly clear, as manufacturing output contracted at the fastest pace in two years over the last quarter“.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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Gapping Up and Down: A Stock Market Trading 0 (0)

<p>Have you ever noticed a gap between a stock’s closing and
starting prices without trade? If the answer is yes, you were likely unaware
that the name of gapping knows this market occurrence. This article will
discuss the causes of stock price gaps, different sorts of gaps, and what
„gap up“ in <a target=“_blank“ href=“https://maxiwyse.com/Registration“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>stock trading</a> means.

</p><p>Why Do Stock Prices Differ?</p><p>Gaps happen when a stock’s opening price and closing price
diverge. Although we’ll concentrate on stock gaps, they can occur in any <a target=“_blank“ href=“https://maxiwyse.com/“ target=“_blank“ rel=“follow“>financial market</a>. A gap typically appears when there needs to be more buyers and
sellers to prevent unexpected declines and spikes in price. This is known as
low market liquidity.</p><p>Even markets with a massive volume of activity, like the forex
market, are susceptible to this. After a trading day concludes and the market
opens the next day, gaps are frequently seen in the stock market. Important
occurrences like earnings announcements and corporate news can affect market
sentiment after the stock closes, causing gaps in the price.</p><p>TYPES OF GAPS</p><p>Not all gaps are the same, depending on the state of the market.
Here is a list of the most typical gaps:</p><p>Breakaway gap: A breakaway gap, which typically
appears at the peak of an uptrend and the bottom of a downtrend, indicates that
the trend may be about to reverse. It may also develop during the breakouts of
significant chart patterns, and their intensity may be increased by high
trading volume.</p><p>Continuation Gaps: Gaps in the trend’s
direction can appear in the middle of powerful uptrends or downtrends. They
indicate the presence of significant buying pressure during uptrends or intense
selling pressure during downtrends.</p><p>Common gap: As their name implies, these are the
market’s most prevalent gaps. They usually take place when a new trading day
begins in the stock market or after the weekend trading halt in the forex
market. However, they can also happen in times of intense buying or selling
pressure in the middle of the trading day.</p><p>Exhaustion gap: Exhaustion gaps
appear during intense uptrends or downtrends, although they move
counterclockwise to the underlying trend. They indicate that the trend is
beginning to slow down and that a potential reversal may be on the horizon.</p><p>Filled Gap: When a gap develops between the closing
and opening prices, markets frequently close it. This is especially true for
frequent intervals, and a trading strategy can be developed around them.</p><p>Playing the Gap</p><p>Traders can develop a trading strategy and attempt to benefit
from gaps based on emerging gaps. You can generate successful trading chances
if you know how to trade a gap up or down. Here are some things traders should
keep in mind when dealing with gaps as a general rule:</p><p>Since the market frequently fills gaps shortly after they
develop, common gaps should be traded oppositely.</p><p>After a continuation gap emerges, since it indicates a solid and
healthy underlying trend, traders can try to enter that direction.</p><p>FINAL INSIGHT </p><p>An easy and disciplined way to sell and buy stocks is through
gap trading. First, to find stocks with a price gap from the previous close,
one looks for them. Then, one watches the first hour of trading to determine
the trading range. An increase above that range denotes a buy, while a decrease
below it indicates a short.</p><p>Moving forward, in my next article, I will be discussing paper
trade. It is the simplest method for successfully determining your ability to
trade gaps. Paper trading does not involve any actual transaction. </p>

This article was written by ForexLive at www.forexlive.com.

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