Archiv für den Monat: November 2023
FSOC: USA verabschieden strengere Regeln zur Regulierung von Schattenbanken
Rath checkt ein: Allein auf der Insel: Zwei Four-Seasons-Luxusresorts auf den Malediven
China: Werk von BASF in Xinjiang: Eine heikle Verbindung
Israel – die aktuelle Lage: Weltweit Proteste gegen Israels Gaza-Einsatz
Ukraine – Lage am Morgen: Ukraine: Selenski ersetzt Chef der Spezialeinsatzkräfte
Activist Engaged Capital sees a path to lift VF Corp’s share price and slash costs
Cost cutting and refreshing the board at VF Corp. are on the list of priorities for activist Engaged Capital.
Berkshire Hathaway posts a 40% jump in operating earnings, cash pile swells to a record $157 billion
Berkshire Hathaway on Saturday reported a big jump in third-quarter operating earnings, while sitting on a record amount of cash that surpassed $157 billion.
Unemployment among Hispanic workers rises at faster pace in October than overall rate
The labor market showed deterioration for Hispanic workers, whose unemployment rate rose more than average in October.
Japanese Yen Weekly Forecast: BoJ Tweak Fails to Inspire but Dollar Weakness Looks Promising for USD/JPY
The BoJ delivered a minimal tweak to policy this week with markets still betting on rate hikes in April 2024. USDJPY benefitted from a weaker US Dollar which should it continue could negate the need for full blown BoJ FX intervention.