A technical roadmap for the major currency pairs going into the new week PLUS S&P/Nasdaq

In this video, I take a technical look at the major currency pairs vs the USD. As a bonus, I also take a look at the 2 major stock indices as traders prepare for the new week.

Including (along with the time on the video):

  • EURUSD 0:15
  • USDJPY 2:15
  • GBPUSD 3:38
  • USDCHF 5:25
  • USDCAD 6:37
  • AUDUSD 7:47
  • NZDUSD 9:18
  • S&P 10:21
  • NASDAQ 11:39

I not only show the key levels for the new trading week, but also explain why they are so important for traders.

Kickstart the new trading week by understanding the roadmap for the new trading week. It is that simple.

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.

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