Bias. Risk. Targets. Why. Intrigued? The weekend forex trading video.

<p>What is the bias?</p><p>What is the risk?</p><p>What are the targets?</p><p>All of those help determine the „why“ for your trades including getting in and getting out. </p><p>The first part of the video is a traders lesson.</p><p>The second part of the video starting at 9:37, goes through the major currency pairs vs the USD and outlines the bias, risks and targets for each. </p><ul><li>Lesson in trading focused on bias, risk, targets, and the why in your trading. </li><li>EURUSD 9:40</li><li>USDJPY 12:45</li><li>GBPUSD 16:16</li><li>USDCHF 18:24</li><li>USDCAD 21:04</li><li>AUDUSD 23:10</li><li>NZDUSD 24:52</li></ul>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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