Bitcoin price forecast, why sell at $51500 – $52000, may decline to $38000 – $39000 📉📊


The following video shows my opion and bitcoin price forecast with some trade ideas

  • Current Position: Bitcoin hovers around $51,615, facing double resistance. 🚫📈
  • Market Movement: Recent break from a bullish pattern, now at a pivotal bearish juncture. 📉🐻
  • Trade Strategy: Bearish bias with a stop-loss above $54,300 for risk management. 🛑💡
  • Position Sizing: Adjust size for an optimal reward-to-risk ratio; aim for meaningful profits. ⚖️💼
  • Profit Targets: First partial profit at a cautious 1.32 reward-to-risk, with a long-term aim below $50,000. 🎯💵
  • Adjustments: Refine stop-loss and targets for a potential average ratio of 1.65, enhancing trade viability. 🔧📊
  • Risk Mitigation: For non-traders, consider reducing exposure to mitigate risk at this uncertain juncture. 🛡️👀

This snapshot provides a strategic outlook for navigating Bitcoin’s volatility. Remember, trade wisely and at your own risk. For more detailed guidance and updates, as well as other views, follow 🌐💡

This article was written by Itai Levitan at

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