Bitcoin technical analysis around 20k

  • BTCUSD is stuck in a range for the last 30 days, stopping out swing traders that short it, or go long, unless those traders are exiting at the bottom and top of that range
  • Long terms players of the crypto king can improve their forecasting ability by looking at the price levels mentioned in the below simple technical analysis video for BTCUSD, but they must also look at the close of the daily candles
  • The ones that would like a stronger confirmation, will also wait to see the candle that follows that close. If it is not in the same direction and does not close well, they should wait
  • All this provides bitcoin watchers a tigher range and method to assess where the crypto leader will tend to go, up or down
  • Last but not least, this does not mean that you should not have a stop and take profit, from there onwards

Trade Bitcoin at your own risk. Visit ForexLive for technical analysis.

This article was written by ForexLive at

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