Broader US stock indices fight for a positive week with less than an hour to go

With less than an hour left to go in trading, the broader stock indices are trying to fight its way to a positive close for the trading week.

Both the S&P and NASDAQ indices are currently on pace for a negative close. If it remains that way, it would represent the fourth consecutive down week for each of those indices.

At current levels, the S&P at 5345.02 is marginally lower by -0.04% – nearly unchanged on the week. The close last week was 5346.55.

The NASDAQ index is negative by -0.18 at 16747.09. The close last week was 16776.16.

It will be close, especially for the S&P, but it will take a late week run higher to snap the losing streak.

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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