China is on holiday all next week. Hong Kong and Singapore also for around half of it.

<p>A heads up for Asian timezone holidays coming up next week. There are a lot of them. </p><p>Singapore and Hong Kong are major forex trading centres so their absence will create a big hole in FX market liquidity. </p><p>China is the world’s second-largest economy and while not a major centre for global forex trade their absence will reduce customer flows. </p><p>So, here we go with the holidays in Asia next week. All these pics are from</p><p>CHINA:</p><p>HONG KONG:</p><p>SINGAPORE:</p><p>Even Australia is slipping in a national holiday next week:</p><p>New Zealand has a local-only holiday in the capital Wellington:</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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