China to Shake Up Financial System as Xi Jinping Installs Key Associates – WSJ

<p><a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“nofollow“>WSJ Report – </a></p><p>China to Shake Up Financial System as Xi Jinping Installs Key Associates</p><p>_____</p><p>Chinese leader Xi Jinping is preparing to shake up the leadership of the country’s financial system, installing key associates to run the central bank and reviving a Communist Party body to tighten political control over financial affairs, according to people familiar with the discussions.</p><p>The new PBOC leadership will need to lead the central bank through a turbulent time in China, helping the economy get back on its feet following the scrapping of most zero-Covid restrictions and dealing with the worst property downturn on record to safeguard financial stability.</p>

This article was written by Ryan Paisey at

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