China’s Xi pulls off one of the all-time power moves

<p>Chinese President Xi Jinping wrapped up the People’s Congress with a power move that vanquished his rivals and humiliated his predecessor.</p><p>The moves leave no doubt that he personally consolidated power at the event, which takes place every 5 years. It was already widely expected that he would be confirmed for another 5-year term — his third — but there were questions about how much influence reformists promoted by predecessor Hu Jintao would retain.</p><p>The answer: Virutally none.</p><p>Rivals Li Keqiang and Wang Yan were left off the policy setting Central Committee and ushered into retirement. But the coup-de-grace was a humiliating exit of Hu. There have long been reports that the 79-year-old Hu is in poor health, possibly suffereing from dementia, but to wait until after media were invited in only to escort him out was surely a power move.</p><p>Watch for yourself:</p><blockquote class=“twitter-tweet“><p dir=“ltr“ lang=“en“>Early drama: Hu Jintao seen being led out soon after reporters are led into the main hall <a target=“_blank“ href=““></a></p>— Danson Cheong (@dansoncj) <a target=“_blank“ href=““>October 22, 2022</a></blockquote><p> As Iam Bremmer put it, here is the message:</p>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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