Dollar down slightly in European morning trade


EUR/USD is up 0.2% to 1.0800, keeping relatively unfazed by the ECB wages data earlier here. Overall, the dollar is down slightly across the board alongside lower Treasury yields to start the day. 10-year yields are down 2.4 bps to 4.271%, keeping limited below its 100-day moving average:

I would argue that is playing a role in keeping the dollar in check for the time being.

USD/JPY is back down to near flat levels around 150.17, after having touched a high of 150.43 in Asia trading. Meanwhile, the antipodean currencies are pushing to session highs right now despite a lack of risk enthusiasm. AUD/USD is up 0.3% to 0.6558 and contesting its 100-day moving average of 0.6541 while NZD/USD is up 0.3% to 0.6168 and contesting daily resistance around 0.6150-73 – both highlighted here earlier.

In other markets, gold is also up another 0.4% to $2,026 as the rebound continues while stocks are struggling with S&P 500 futures now down 0.4% on the day.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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