Dollar holds steady so far, more US data to follow later


It’s been a fairly quiet session so far, underscored by some mixed signals in broader markets after yesterday’s action. The dollar is keeping steadier on the day, finding little conviction in European trading. That is somewhat understandable as we await more US data to come later today.

USD/JPY is up slightly by 0.2% with 10-year yields also slightly higher by 2 bps to 4.26%. That’s not much but at least the pair is holding back above 150.00 for now.

Meanwhile, other dollar pairs are even more lethargic today. EUR/USD is flattish around 1.0774 with large option expiries keeping price action in check. GBP/USD is also lightly changed after the UK retail sales report, holding just below 1.2600. Elsewhere, commodity currencies are also muted after the back and forth action against the dollar this week.

US futures are slightly higher but that’s not really translating to anything in FX at the moment. I mean, stocks are in a world of their own so that isn’t the most surprising thing.

It looks like we’re gearing towards the next set of US data to decide what comes next before the weekend. Coming up later, we’ll be getting US producer prices and the University of Michigan consumer sentiment and inflation expectations. Those might offer something for traders to work with as we look to wrap up the week.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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