Dollar mostly little changed so far today


The greenback is pretty much flat against the euro, yen, and pound while keeping little changed against the franc and loonie. It is only the aussie and kiwi which are slightly higher in trading today but the gains there aren’t anything too significant. AUD/USD is still down 0.8% on the week and NZD/USD is down 0.5% on the week so far.

EUR/USD is stuck around 1.0700 with large option expiries at the figure level also in play. Meanwhile, USD/JPY is not really moving too much after recovering from its earlier fall in Asia. 10-year Treasury yields are down 1.8 bps to 4.244%, so that is at least keeping any upside moves at bay for now.

In the equities space, we are seeing a softer mood overall as noted here. That is something to watch out for especially for risk currencies as a further softening in sentiment could eventually spill over and drag the aussie and kiwi back lower.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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