Dollar stays poised so far in European trading


The dollar is sitting higher on the day now, only trailing behind the Swiss franc. The greenback continues to be in a firm spot as Treasury yields are holding at the highs, with 10-year yields now nearly 6 bps to 4.63% on the day. With month-end and quarter-end flows out of the way, the dollar is starting to look ripe again as things turn back into its favour.

EUR/USD is down 0.3% to 1.0540 and breaking back below its 100-hour moving average (red line), after having seen sellers defend a bounce at the 200-hour moving average (blue line) on Friday last week. This now sees sellers regain near-term control and will be poised to try and retest the 1.0500 mark again.

Elsewhere, USD/JPY is also keeping near the highs for the day at 149.70 despite Japan intervention fears while AUD/USD is down 0.6% to just under 0.6400 again as risk trades are also starting to hit the skids now on the session.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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