Dow Jones Technical Analysis

Yesterday, the Dow Jones remained under pressure as
the market continued to reprice the aggressive rate cuts expectations following
Fed’s Waller
comments. Moreover, the economic data surprised once again to the upside with
the US Retail Sales beating
expectations across the board and Industrial Production edging
up. Overall, the soft-landing narrative is still intact but in the short term
the market is readjusting to tighter monetary conditions.

Dow Jones Technical
Analysis – Daily Timeframe

On the daily chart, we can see that the Dow Jones fell
below the red 21 moving average as the
bearish momentum continues to weigh on the market. We can also see that the
recent upside price action has been diverging with the
MACD which is
generally a sign of weakening momentum often followed by pullbacks or
reversals. In this case, the target for the pullback should be the 37066 level,
while a break below it would confirm a reversal.

Dow Jones Technical
Analysis – 4 hour Timeframe

On the 4 hour chart, we can see more
clearly the divergence with the MACD and the recent pullback from the all-time
high. The buyers should step in around the 37066 level with a defined risk
below it to position for another rally into a new all-time high. The sellers,
on the other hand, will want to see the price breaking lower to increase the
bearish bets into the 36030 level.

Dow Jones Technical
Analysis – 1 hour Timeframe

On the 1 hour chart, we can see that we
have a resistance zone
around the 37400 level where we can also find the red 21 moving average for confluence. If
the price were to pull back into that resistance, we can expect the sellers to
step in to position for a drop into the 37066 level and target a break below
it. The buyers, on the other hand, will want to see the price breaking higher
to invalidate the bearish setup and increase the bullish bets into a new
all-time high.

Upcoming Events

Today, we will see the latest US Jobless Claims
figures, while tomorrow we conclude the week with the University of Michigan
Consumer Sentiment survey.

This article was written by FL Contributors at

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