ECB’s Lane: Hiking rates beyond March fits with what inflation pressures are suggesting

<ul><li style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>Stronger pressures in inflation are indicated from food-related costs and labour market developments</li><li style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>Weaker pressures instead are arising from energy commodities, economic activity and supply-side bottlenecks</li><li style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>Heatmap suggests inflation pressures are still strong but there are some emerging signs of easing</li></ul><p style=““ class=“text-align-justify“>He adds that they would have to mark the latest wage developments as a high priority. Well, the headline while significant already fits with what markets are expecting i.e. more rate hikes by the ECB to follow. The question now is whether or not policymakers will make any firm „commitment“ after the March meeting.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at

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