Equities stay pressured so far in European morning trade


Here’s a snapshot of things as a whole:

  • Eurostoxx -1.6%
  • Germany DAX -1.5%
  • France CAC 40 -0.9%
  • UK FTSE -0.6%
  • S&P 500 futures -1.1%
  • Nasdaq futures -1.8%
  • Dow futures -0.8%
  • Russell 2000 futures -2.2%

The selling is pretty much broad-based as seen above, so it’s not quite just limited to tech.

In FX, the dollar is slightly weaker across the board today but the changes are relatively light. EUR/USD is up 0.3% to 1.0820 with its 100-day moving average at 1.0792 still holding. Meanwhile, USD/JPY is down 0.3% to 148.90 as sellers continue to stay in control on the week.

All eyes are now fixated on the US jobs report later to see if that might change up the mood before the weekend.

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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