EU commission chief says must play stronger role in defence

EU’s Von der Leyen in Prague at GLOBSEC Forum: Integration of Ukraine in the European Union is for us at the heart of our peace effort.EU’s Von der Leyen: Protecting Europe is first and foremost Europe’s duty.EU’s Von der Leyen: NATO must remain centre of our collective defence but need much stronger European pillar.EU’s Von der Leyen: Central Europe could be one of drivers and one of greatest beneficiaries of this new push for European defence sector.EU’s Von der Leyen: Aim must be to build continent-size defence output, a systemic overhaul of Europe’s defence.EU’s Von der Leyen: We cannot afford any more illusions, the second half of the decade will be high-risk, Europeans must be on guard.EU’s Von der Leyen: We must refocus our attention on the security dimension of everything we do.EU’s Von der Leyen: We must think about our union as intrinsically a security project.

This article was written by Arno V Venter at

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