EUR/CHF sticks with gradual descend to parity


While the yen stole the spotlight in trading yesterday, the franc continues to do its work steadily following the SNB policy pivot two weeks ago. As mentioned then, the change has definitely shaken up the landscape of the major currencies bloc and puts the franc at among the frontrunners considering the timing of the surprise and how shaky markets look at the moment.

The swissie is the top performer today with USD/CHF itself down 0.5% to 0.9565 while EUR/CHF is testing daily support from the April lows at 1.0088-89 again currently. A firm break below that opens up another shot at parity for the pair and this time there might be more conviction to break that after the attempt in March failed.

  • Parity now the new normal in EUR/CHF – Credit Agricole (22/06)
  • EUR/CHF: Core target at 0.9830; ‚measured triangle objective‘ at 0.9600 – Credit Suisse (20/06)
  • Parity beckons for EUR/CHF (17/06)

This article was written by Justin Low at

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