Euro and sterling hold slight gains after PMI deluge


While the UK economy arguably ended the year on a high, the Eurozone economy is still suffering a downturn even with the positive revisions to the French and German data earlier. But amid a steadier market mood today, the euro and pound are able to push a little higher against the dollar now.

EUR/USD is up 0.4% to 1.0960 while GBP/USD is also up 0.4% to 1.2710 on the day, keeping tabs with the gains in the commodity currencies. The greenback suffered a setback yesterday, with 10-year Treasury yields failing to hold a push at 4% and has since struggled to recapture the momentum from earlier this week.

After two days of traders seemingly correcting the moves in November and December, we might be in for a return to the norm today if risk trades can hold up. European stocks are up slightly by around 0.3% to 0.7% while S&P 500 futures are marginally higher, up 0.2% on the day currently.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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