Eurozone CPI YoY Flash || 8.5% (Forecast 8.9%, Previous 9.2%)

<p>Eurozone CPI </p><p>Headline – </p><p>MoM Flash || -0.4% (Forecast 0.1%, Previous -0.4%)</p><p>YoY Flash || 8.5% (Forecast 8.9%, Previous 9.2%)</p><p>Core: </p><p>YoY Flash || 5.2% (Forecast 5.1%, Previous 5.2%)</p><p><a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“nofollow“>RELEASE</a></p><p><a target=“_blank“ href=““ target=“_blank“ rel=“nofollow“>Reuters</a></p><p>The headline inflation drop is unlikely to expunge concerns among conservative policymakers that rapid price growth is getting entrenched, a worry reinforced by poor underlying inflation data on Wednesday.</p><p>Conservative policymakers are likely to argue that a milder-than-expected economic downturn will mean a smaller increase in unemployment, so wages will remain under upward pressure and force the ECB to raise rates even more.</p>

This article was written by Ryan Paisey at

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