Eurozone February final consumer confidence -15.5 vs -15.5 prelim

  • Prior -16.1
  • Economic confidence 95.4 vs 96.7 expected
  • Prior 96.2; revised to 96.1
  • Industrial confidence -9.5 vs -9.2 expected
  • Prior -9.4; revised to -9.3
  • Services confidence 6.0 vs 9.0 expected
  • Prior 8.8; revised to 8.4

Euro area economic sentiment worsened in February, with both industrial and services confidence also slipping. That’s not a good take on the look and feel of the economy to start the year thus far. Of note, consumer inflation expectations also increased from 12.0 to 15.5 – which is the highest since March last year. That might present some concerns for the ECB to look at for the months ahead, if the trend persists.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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