Eurozone June Sentix investor confidence -15.8 vs -20.0 expected

Prior -22.6

Euro area investor morale rose more than expected – the first increase since the Russia-Ukraine conflict – but the dour economic tone continues to reverberate for the time being amid supply issues and inflation. The current conditions index was seen at -7.3 in June, a slight improvement from the -10.5 reading in May.
Sentix notes that:
„As impressive as the improvement in the situation and expectations values may appear at first glance, this is unlikely to mark a turnaround. While consumers are already suffering from rising prices, many companies have been able to pass on their sharply rising costs to their customers and benefited from people rushing to buy goods and services before price increases. However, this phase looks set to finish as end consumers will have to cut back at some point, and monetary policy could become more restrictive from July.“

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