Eurozone November final consumer confidence -13.7 vs -13.7 prelim

  • Prior -12.5
  • Economic confidence 95.8 vs 95.1 expected
  • Prior 95.6; revised to 95.7
  • Industrial confidence -11.1 vs -13.2 expected
  • Prior -13.0; revised to -12.6
  • Services confidence 5.3 vs 6.2 expected
  • Prior 7.1; revised to 6.8

Slight delay in the release by the source. Economic sentiment in the euro area actually improved on the month but the devil is in the details. It was to do with better sentiment in the industrial sector, though keeping in negative territory. As for services sentiment, that deteriorated again on the month. As such, the outlook remains more challenging for the Eurozone especially with the prospect of Trump tariffs on the horizon.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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