EURUSD Technical Analysis


The market is beginning to factor in a more hawkish
path for the Federal Reserve due to the consistently positive economic data
since the last FOMC meeting. According to Fed Chair Powell, if the data remains
strong, a majority of the FOMC anticipates two or more rate hikes this year.

Conversely, the European Central Bank (ECB) has
already committed to a rate hike in July, but there is a strong debate about
their plans for September. In fact, recent economic indicators for the Eurozone
have been disappointing significantly, indicating a potential recession in the
second half of the year.

All else being equal, we should see EURUSD pair
trending downwards as the market adjusts its expectations, discounting the
likelihood of ECB rate hikes and factoring in the possibility of rate cuts.

EURUSD Technical Analysis –
Daily Timeframe

On the daily chart, we can see that we might have a
major head and shoulders pattern
with the black neckline coming roughly at the 1.07 handle. The moving averages are
crossing to the downside indicating a possible change in trend, but the price
will need to fall below the 1.0840 to confirm it. In case we see a break below
the neckline, the target should be the 1.02 handle.

EURUSD Technical Analysis –
4 hour Timeframe

On the 4 hour chart, we can see that the price has
recently broke below the upward trendline and made
a new lower low. In fact, the price has formed a king’s crown pattern, which is
similar to the head and shoulders pattern, but has the right shoulder low lower
than the left shoulder one. We now have a support level at
1.0840 where the buyers keep on piling in to target a breakout of the 1.1033

EURUSD Technical Analysis –
1 hour Timeframe

On the 1 hour chart, we can see that the
price has recently broke below the neckline of the double top
pattern marked by the two orange arrows. This is another signal that the
bearish momentum is prevailing, and the sellers are in control. Once the price
breaks below the support with conviction supported by a fundamental catalyst,
we can expect a selloff into the 1.07 handle. The buyers will need to break
above the 1.0940 resistance zone to invalidate the bearish setup and start
another uptrend.

Upcoming Events

Today the data to watch
will be the US Jobless Claims and the US ISM Services PMI, while tomorrow the
markets will focus on the main event of the week: the US NFP report. If we see
beats to the expectations, we will likely see the EURUSD falling as the market
will price in even more hawkishness from the Fed. On the other hand, if the
data misses forecasts, EURUSD may rally as some of the hawkishness will be
priced out.

This article was written by FL Contributors at

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