Fed’s Bostic: Nobody should take a signal from my view that we should pause

  • There are undoubtedly scenarios where we could move at two meetings in a row
  • I’m not expecting that will happen but if it is what is needed, we’ll do it
  • Nobody should take a signal from my view that we should pause
  • I’m less concerned about high inflation

Dude.. That’s quite a careless statement to be making and to be casually throwing around words that no more rate hikes are needed. Not especially at a time when markets are still trying to sort out exactly what the Fed consensus is and what they will do next month in July. And he says that we „should not take it as a signal“. Pfft.

As Eli pointed out in the comments, good thing he isn’t on the voting committee rotation for the year.

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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