Fed’s Bostic: US is a ways from a recession

  • US is not in a recession
  • Inflation needs to be addressed
  • Fed is going to have to do more with interest rates
  • Details depend on data flow in the coming months
  • Rate hikes could hurt job growth but so far, there is still momentum in hiring

He also voiced out concerns that recession fears could be self-fulfilling. He’s not exactly wrong in that sense but I mean there is no doubt that the economic numbers from the US have been rather poor. It is a bit arrogant to outright dismiss a recession but I don’t think that is all too important for markets. It is all about what the Fed will do and while more rate hikes are to follow, Bostic is following in Powell’s lead to stress on data dependency.

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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