FMAS23 – Connecting Traders with Forex and Crypto Brokers in Africa’s Booming Market


In nearly one
month, the Finance Magnates Africa Summit (FMAS:23) will officially be underway
in South Africa. The biggest event of the year will be hosted out of the
world-famous Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, taking place on May
8-10, 2023. The summit will be of particular note for crypto and forex traders
looking to explore potential brokers in Africa.

Africa has seen
a surge in trading activity and the arrival of leading global brokers and
crypto providers. This is hardly surprising given the popularity of these trading
instruments. With the biggest brands all under one roof for FMAS, the timing
has never been better for traders to interact and engage.

you have not already done so, see what all the hype is about in Sandton this
May and register
for FMAS:23 today

and Crypto Traders of Africa Unite

Every FM event
has included an extensive focus on proper trading techniques, demos, the
release of new and exciting trading technologies and platforms for users, and
much more. This will include FMAS:23, showcasing a dedicated content stream
that is tailored towards both forex and crypto traders.

Reasons for
Forex and Crypto Traders to Attend FMAS:23

·Learn about
new trading technologies, platforms, techniques ·

A chance to
engage directly with leading traders, brokers, individuals

·An opportunity
to meet, network with other traders

·Workshops and
trading strategies available on offer for free

Furthermore, FMAS:23
is poised to take retail trading trends to the next level, curated specifically
for the African continent. This also includes a growing swath of potential traders
who are looking to get started, with an opportunity to learn and engage with the best.

Nowhere else do
attendees have the opportunity to speak directly with so many leaders in one
place in Africa. Individuals can also expect to learn about and engage with the
biggest brands from the forex and crypto space.

The event will spotlight
2.5 days of sessions, workshops, panels, discussions, and more, touching on
every corner of the retail trading industry. FMAS:23 is expected to bring in
upwards of 2,000 attendees, 70 exhibitors, and 50 speakers.

To top this all
off, the event will also feature a legendary closing party for all attendees,
complete with live music, entertainment, and much more. This is one event you
will not want to miss. Stay tuned for more updates over the next few weeks as
the in-depth agenda takes shape, or simply to join the conversation surrounding

All prospective
attendees are invited to explore in-depth
at length, which is already live and available for access.
See what sessions hold the most appeal – with so many angles and areas of
focus, there is something for everyone.

Do not miss out
on this incredible opportunity to live the life of luxury, fame, and network
with the best in the industry. See you in Johannesburg this May!

This article was written by ForexLive at

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