ForexLive Asia-Pacific FX news wrap: USD/JPY pulls back from above 158.00


US time on Thursday USD/JPY traded to circa 158.09,
since mid-July this
year. The pair pulled back toward 157.50 during the session here,
responding to:

  • December
    in Tokyo accelerated for a second month, the government temporarily
    phased out utility subsidies;
  • the
    ‘Summary of opinions’ from the Bank of Japan December meeting
    (when the bank maintained its policy rate at 0.25%) showed the policy
    board members remaining optimistic in its assessment that the
    economy and inflation are moving in line with its projections –
    amidst caveats of course – supporting market expectations for a
    near-term rate hike, perhaps as soon as the January 23-24, 2025 meeting.

crosses slid also. EUR/JPY’s slide was cushioned somewhat by a
drift down a few points for EUR/USD. There were no fresh notable news items for the euro.

we had data showing that industrial
profits extended
decline to a fourth straight month, dropping 7.3%. The
flip side, if you prefer a brighter take, is that the fall was slower than the
10% drop in October. The YTD figure worsened, to -4.7% in
January-November from -4.3% in the January-October period.

Regional equities rose, following a lead from higher Wall Street.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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