ForexLive European FX news wrap: 10-year Treasury yields on approach to 5%



  • EUR leads, NZD lags on the day
  • European equities lower; S&P 500 futures down 0.1%
  • US 10-year yields up 6.2 bps to 4.979%
  • Gold up 0.2% to $1,950.77
  • WTI crude down 1.0% to $87.46
  • Bitcoin up 0.6% to $28,438

It was a slower session in general as markets are waiting with bated breath for 10-year Treasury yields to hit the 5% mark. It has been the case since the handover from Asia trading, with 10-year yields hovering around 4.95% to 4.97% mostly during the session.

Despite that, the dollar is failing to take much of a hint as it trades more mixed across the board. USD/JPY is still unable to muster enough power to retest the 150.00 mark again amid Tokyo intervention fears. Meanwhile, EUR/USD is actually up 0.2% to 1.0557 although the range for the day is still rather limited.

GBP/USD is down 0.2% to 1.2115 while AUD/USD is down 0.4% to 0.6310 after a softer Australian jobs report earlier today.

In other markets, stocks are also keeping more defensive with US futures slightly lower. Meanwhile, European indices are down across the board as they build on the drop from Wall Street yesterday.

Looking to commodities, gold continues to keep steady and ignore the bond market developments as it keeps around $1,950. Meanwhile, oil is tracking lower and looks to erase its weekly gains as the back and forth continues.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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