Forexlive European FX news wrap 30 Aug – Eurozone CPI in line with expectations



  • CAD leads, CHF lags on the day
  • European equities higher;
    S&P 500 futures up 0.44%
  • US 10-year yields flat at
  • Gold
    down 0.05% to $2,519
  • WTI
    crude up 0.29% to $76.18
  • Bitcoin
    up 0.19% to $59,474

It was a quiet session with subdued moves across the markets. The newsflow was once again a bit dull as the only notable release was the Eurozone Flash CPI which came out in line with estimates.

ECB speakers continue to support a September cut, which is fully priced in anyway, but they emphasize data dependency for the next cuts. The attention will now switch to the US PCE report due in an hour but it’s unlikely to trigger big moves unless we get strong deviations from the expected figures.

It’s all about the next week as we will get many top-tier economic indicators and the most important NFP report of the year.

This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at

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