ForexLive European FX news wrap: Currencies steady awaiting US data, Fed

FOMC talk:



  • AUD leads, CHF lags on the day
  • S&P 500 futures down 0.4%
  • US 10-year yields down 0.5 bps to 4.682%
  • Gold up 0.3% to $2,294.35
  • WTI crude down 1.8% to $80.47
  • Bitcoin down 4.7% to $57,792

It was a quiet session for the most part with European markets closed in observance of Labour Day.

Major currencies aren’t up to much with the dollar keeping steadier mostly, holding in smaller ranges on the day. All eyes are on the coming US data as well as the FOMC meeting later. The USD/JPY focus continues with the pair keeping just under the 158.00 mark throughout the session.

Meanwhile, equities remain fairly nervous after falling at the end of April trading yesterday. US futures are down with tech shares leading the declines again.

In other markets, gold is finding a temporary base just under $2,300 after yesterday’s plunge while oil is marked down to its lowest since March at $80.47 as geopolitical tensions fade. Bitcoin is one to watch as well as it comes under pressure amid a break below $60,000 on the day.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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