ForexLive European FX news wrap: Dollar remains in the driver’s seat



  • USD leads, AUD lags on the day
  • European equities mixed; S&P 500 futures up 0.4%
  • US 10-year yields down 3.3 bps to 4.503%
  • Gold down 0.5% to $1,891.72
  • WTI crude up 1.5% to $91.77
  • Bitcoin up 1.4% to $26,524

It was a quiet session again but the dollar continues to hold slightly firmer across the board, even with a light retreat in Treasury yields and a slight nudge higher in equities.

The greenback remains in the driver’s seat with EUR/USD at its lowest since March, down 0.3% to 1.0535. Meanwhile, USD/JPY is testing waters above 149.00 again as intervention fears are still in the back of traders‘ minds.

AUD/USD is the laggard, down 0.5% to 0.6367 at the lows for the day currently, not helped by the Australia CPI data earlier today. The flows are siding with the dollar, even as Treasury yields are not really extending higher on the day.

Yields are seemingly holding just at the highs so far this week but that is enough to keep broader markets on edge. Equities are able to find some relief today with US futures up 0.4%, although there is still the US session to go through.

In other markets, oil continues to shine with another 1% gain for WTI crude to rise above $91 while gold is dragged lower back under $1,900 amid a firmer dollar.

As we get into US trading in a bit, let’s see if the risk mood can hold up or will it turn again like it did yesterday.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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