ForexLive European FX news wrap: Dollar, stocks down awaiting US GDP data



  • AUD leads, JPY lags on the day
  • European equities lower; S&P 500 futures down 0.6%
  • US 10-year yields down 0.4 bps to 4.650%
  • Gold up 0.6% to $2,329.53
  • WTI crude up 0.1% to $82.22
  • Bitcoin down 0.1% to $63,955

There wasn’t too much action in European trading today as the market moves were rather straightforward during the session.

The dollar is seen down slightly ahead of the US Q1 advance GDP data coming up later. The greenback is lagging across the board, as we get close to some key technical levels on the charts.

Of note, GBP/USD is up to a two-week high above 1.2500 but faces up against its 38.2 Fib retracement level at 1.2526. Meanwhile, AUD/USD is also running up against its 200-day moving average at 0.6526 on the day. Besides that, EUR/USD is up 0.2% to 1.0720 while USD/CAD is down 0.2% to 1.3670 currently.

As for USD/JPY, it continues to hold above the 155.00 mark and hovering around 155.50-70 mostly during the session.

In the equities space, Meta’s earnings disappointment is reverberating and spooking investors. It’s dragging down tech shares but also weighing on broader sentiment as well. European stocks are mostly down as such while S&P 500 futures are lower by 0.6%.

It’s now over to the slew of US data later and how traders will take to that, putting everything into the mix on the Fed outlook again.

This article was written by Justin Low at

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