Forexlive European FX news wrap: Tight ranges as we await the US CPI


It’s been another dull session as we continue to wait for the US CPI release tomorrow. The price action remains rangebound in most markets.

The only notable news was about the China’s finance ministry holding a news conference on Saturday to
provide details on fiscal stimulus measures aimed at reviving the
faltering economy.

We had also some ECB speakers continuing to talk about the October cut which is already fully priced in by the markets. On the geopolitical front, nothing has changed as Israel has not decided yet on the scope and the timing for the retailiation against Iran.

In the American session, there’s no economic data to be released but we will hear from lots of Fed speakers. Finally, we will conclude with the FOMC Meeting Minutes later in the day, but as it’s almost always the case, they won’t matter.

This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at

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