Former Pres. Trump rushed off stage after apparent shots fired

Former President Donald Trump was escorted off stage by Secret Service agents at a rally in Butler, PA, after a series of loud noises, possibly gunshots, were heard. Trump was bloodied but reportedly fine. The source of the noises and if anyone else was injured remains unclear. The rally was declared a crime scene and is under investigation.

The WSJ reports that a shooter was killed by Secret Service. You can hear SS saying „shooters down“ in the the video. There was apparently one other bystander killed according to sources.

There appears to be some blood around Trump’s ear and across his face, as he was escorted off the stage. He seems to be ok. You can hear him instructing Secret Service.

Pres. Biden released a statement and will address the nation.

Former Pres. Obama tweeted:

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson said:

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tweeted:

Donald Trump Jr’s tweet:

Ivanka Trump’s daughter Ivanka tweeted:

The Republican National Convention is scheduled to start on Monday and concludes with the formal nomination of the former Pres. Trump as the nominee. It will be a interesting as to which way this turns. The US is sitting on the edge.. Personally, hoping that cool heads prevail and people gather themselves and personally call an end to the rhetoric on both sides because it is not – and will never – work. Hate is not the answer. Prayers for peace.

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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