FX Back Office’s Customizable Forex CRM

<p class=“MsoNormal“><a target=“_blank“ href=“https://fxbackoffice.com/?utm_source=forexlive&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=BUZZDNOV22&utm_id=website&utm_term=112022″ target=“_blank“>FX
Back Office’s CRM</a> offers a wide range of tools to address the challenges
faced by companies in the forex industry. Built from the ground up to serve the
needs of forex brokerages and their brokers, the CRM offers a suite of powerful
features that address the issues brokerages face, enabling them to better
support their brokers and grow their business.</p><p>What’s the
problem?</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>Forex brokerages face a
range of challenges. From the secure storage and management of their client
data, to having to market themselves in a fiercely competitive market, to
suffering with CRMs that are generic and difficult to use. The industry also
requires in-depth reporting tools that many CRMs struggle to deliver. Add in
the need to have an industry-specific Client Cabinet (the portal through which
clients interact with the brokerage’s systems) and you can easily find yourself
hampered by the very software that’s supposed to be supporting you.</p><p>The answer: A
bespoke forex CRM</p><p class=“MsoNormal“>FX Back Office’s forex
CRM allows brokerages to work with a forex-specific system. Tasks can be
automated, sales and marketing teams supported, documents can be stored and
monitored, promotional materials can be generated and reporting becomes a
matter of a few clicks. The entire system was built with forex brokerages in
mind, specifically how they have to interact with regulatory bodies.</p><p>Document and
data management</p><p>Sensitive documents can be
securely stored on external servers where they’re safe from attack.
Notifications can be created to warn when vital documents are expiring, and
clients can quickly and easily upload new documentation via the Client Cabinet.
The Client Cabinet includes a suitability questionnaire, allowing brokerages to
quickly understand if their clients are selling the correct products to the
correct customers.</p><p>Reporting</p><p>The forex CRM was designed
with regulatory requirements in mind and information and data can be pulled up
and customized in any number of ways, allowing brokerages to quickly generate
the reports they need to submit to regulatory bodies. The CRM can help take
care of much of your reporting requirements in just a few clicks.</p><p>Trading
platforms</p><p>FX Back Office’s CRM is
fully integrated with a series of leading forex trading platforms, including
MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, cTrader, Condor Pro and more. These leading
platforms are fully integrated into the forex CRM, allowing FX Back Office’s
clients to offer the very best solutions the industry has to offer to their
traders. </p><p>Third party
integrations</p><p>We all make use of
established programs over the course of our working day, be it a VOiP program,
a KYC/AML system or something else. The team at FX Back Office hasn’t wasted
time trying to reinvent the wheel, but rather has integrated these programs
into their forex CRM. </p><p>Calls can be placed,
documents checked and much, much more, all from within the CRM, creating a
single piece of software that can do (almost) everything you need on a daily
basis.</p><p>Sales and
marketing</p><p>Thanks to the forex CRM’s
excellent data management systems, information and data of all sorts can be
sorted, filtered, and categorized in a matter of minutes. As a result, sales
and marketing teams can quickly identify popular products and can be notified
of clients in need of attention or a callback, and better understand how their
client base is interacting with their services. With this information, your
brokerage can discover hidden opportunities or needs, and address issues that
clients may be having.</p><p>Affiliate and IB
networks</p><p>Through the Client
Cabinet, brokerages can quickly and easily manage and support their affiliate
and IB networks. FX Back Office’s forex CRM provides access to a range of
marketing tools that brokers can use to grow their client base and emails and
campaigns can quickly be created thanks to powerful algorithms.</p><p>Fully
customizable</p><p>Almost any part of FX Back
Office’s forex CRM can be customized, allowing brokerages to create bespoke
software that does exactly what they need it to. The company has exceptionally
proactive development teams who are used to working with clients to cater to
their every need.</p><p>This CRM represents a
comprehensive package that any brokerage firm aspiring to grow and succeed must
surely consider. A game-changer, FX Back Office’s forex CRM offers unparalleled
levels of control, flexibility, and security to brokerages around the world.</p>

This article was written by ForexLive at forexlive.com.

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